RE Suppliers on GEOP Contracting Parameters

Dear RE Suppliers

We refer to the requirement under Section 53.2 of the Rules for the Green Energy Option Program (GEOP Rules) in ERC Resolution No. 08, Series of 2021 for all qualified RE Suppliers to submit the contracting parameters to IEMOP, as the GEOP CRB, during the Transition Period.  We likewise note that to be qualified, the GEOP Rules require RE Suppliers to obtain RES license from the ERC and GEOP Operating Permit from the DOE. 

Thus, we look forward to your submission of the contracting parameters using the attached GEOP Contracting Parameter Template, together with proof of authority[1] of the RE Supplier’s signatory, through email at, with Subject: Submission of GEOP Contracting Parameters [RE Supplier Name], on or before 03 December 2021. The submitted information will be posted in the GEOP CRB website in compliance with the GEOP Rules. 

Separate advisories will be issued as regards the registration of the RE Suppliers with GEOP CRB and switch process for qualified GEOP end-users. 

The provision of data pursuant to the GEOP Rules may include the collection and processing of personal information.  To know more about IEMOP’s Privacy Policy, you may access IEMOP’s Privacy notice via:

Should you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us through our  IEMOP Ticketing System or email us at

Download Here:
GEOP Supply Contracting Parameters


Thank you. 


[1]IEMOP accepts Secretary’s Certificates as proof of authority of the signatory to the GEOP Contracting Parameter Template.