Network Service Provider Provision of Customer Information to the CRB

This Advisory is intended to inform the Network Service Providers (NSPs) of the recent revision of the Retail Rules, Retail Manual and the promulgation of the new GEOP Market Manual pursuant to the DOE Circular 2023-01-0004, which became effective on 26 February 2023, regarding the timeline of submission to the Central Registration Body (CRB). Moreover, this is a supplement to the previous advisory for Customer Information submission by the DU and/or NSPs that was sent by on 06 September 2021 for RCOA and 09 November 2021 for GEOP.


Dear Network Service Providers,

Pursuant to Section of the Retail Rules, NSPs are mandated to submit the following information to the CRB for newly qualified end-users within its franchise area that, in its determination, have already met the required demand threshold to participate in the retail competition and/or in the Green Energy Option Program (GEOP):

(a) Customer name;
(b) Billing and service addresses;
(c) Customers’ account number;
(d) Customer contact information (telephone numbers and e-mail addresses);
(e) Meter number;
(f) Meter specifications (interval metering, channels);
(g) SEIN of the grid metering point of the Distribution Utility where the supply of the end user passes through;
(h) Confirmation that the end-user has qualified either for retail competition or GEOP, or both; and
(i) Confirmation that the end-user has signified interest to participate under the retail competition or Green Energy Option Program, or both

Pursuant to Section 3.2.1 of the Retail Manual on Registration Criteria and Procedures and Section 2.5.1 of the Retail Manual on Green Energy Option Program Procedures, the NSPs shall submit the above-listed information on newly qualified customers or end-users to the CRB on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month.

NSPs shall submit to the CRB the foregoing information by filling out the online form via this link: Customer Information Form (one (1) submission per customer) and selecting the submission in the Customer Information Report either as “Retail”, “GEOP”, or “Reporting for both Retail and GEOP”, depending on the program which the customer has qualified for.



Any update on the record of a customer whose information has been previously submitted shall be done by accomplishing the Customer Information Form, indicating the following remark: ‘Update on previous submission of Customer Information’.

We wish to emphasize that the submission of customer information to the CRB herein described shall not substitute the requirement for the submission of customer information to the ERC as part of ERC’s reportorial requirement pursuant to Section 1, Article IV of ERC Resolution No. 10 Series of 2016 and Item No. 5 of ERC Resolution No. 12, Series of 2020 utilizing ERC’s form: or DU Form 2

This advisory shall take effect on 15 April 2023.

The provision of data are pursuant to the GEOP Rules may include the collection and processing of personal information.  To know more about IEMOP’s Privacy Policy, you may access IEMOP’s Privacy notice via:

Should you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us through our IEMOP Central Ticketing System.


Thank you.
